Why should your company offset its emissions?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

By Eva Båsk

Eva Båsk helps companies big and small take responsibility for their emissions with Compensate.

Not a day goes by without seeing an article related to or about climate change. But that’s a positive thing! The more we know, the more we can take action and start to change our behavior for a better future. 

Company day-to-day operations create emissions, it’s a fact. 

If we truly want to mitigate climate change, we all need to take responsibility and action, both individually as well as on a company level. 

Most companies do already have a sustainability strategy, but not many companies have built a sustainability strategy with tools that actually impact the decision making, behavior, or company business model. Offsetting a company’s day-to-day emissions can be a start for this type of work. Offsetting enables you to

  • Understand the where, what and why your business creates CO2 emissions

  • Understand where those emissions could easily be reduced

  • Take action to compensate for the still unavoidable emissions, while building a roadmap to a fully carbon negative business model

  • Become part of the climate positive movement: climate change is the biggest challenge of our time, and all hands on deck are necessary! 

It also helps with communications towards different stakeholders, starting with a company’s own employees. Many companies already understand that if they do nothing, the costs in the future will be dire: inaction harms the company brand, it makes recruiting top talent (who are more and more value-based decision makers!) more difficult, and it alienates customers.

So how to actually compensate for your emissions?

Companies of course can offset their emissions on their own. This does however require time, resources, and in-depth expertise that many companies don't have. 

Compensate can help! We offer a convenient, efficient and transparent way to offset the emissions of a company’s day-to-day operations. Many businesses and entrepreneurs have turned to us for help, because it’s quite complicated to know where to start. Thanks to them, we’ve built this offering!

Through Compensate, businesses can offset their emissions conveniently, efficiently and transparently for real estate, corporate travel, and events, which often cause the largest part of a company’s emissions.

In addition, we don’t just help you set up, we help you along the way too! 

Compensate’s experts and partnership portal materials support the company in communicating the message to employees and other stakeholders. The model we have created will support ongoing communications with stakeholders via impact reporting, that will be delivered based on the company emissions offset. 

Let's combat climate change, together! 

Smart companies and individuals are already radically reducing their emissions and working toward a sustainable future. But to truly combat climate change, going carbon neutral is not enough, we need to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we put in. Compensate’s built-in overcompensation enables you to do just that.

How could Compensate help you? Let’s start the conversation. You can contact me directly via eva@compensate.com or through here.

Join us in making change!

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